Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Weather Is Changing

Its that time of year again when we have to bundle up and get warm. The news of cold air and snow is back once again. Just the other day, I finally put away all my summer clothes and dug thru my winter clothes in the closets and put them on top. I have all my long sleeves, sweaters, and jackets hanged in the closet for easy accessibility. I also have all my winter shoes readily available and placed on top of the file so that its within reach and ready to use when I need to.

We normally have all types of shoes for different occassions like sneakers, rubber shoes, tennis shoes, snow shoes, boots, and more. I have some really good boots but none of them are quite friendly in the rain. Rain is more frequent and possible during fall and winter seasons, thats why a nice pair of rain boots would really be great. Most of the rain boots available in the brick-and-mortar stores are plain, mostly black rubber or yellow rubber with hardly any style. I recently came across some really neat stylish rain boots at Zappos online website where they have huge selections of really neat rain boots. Not only are they functional for the type of weather we are in but they very stylish as well and you are not stuck with just one color because they have huge selections of colorful patterns to choose from!

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